Thursday, November 17, 2011

Still A Blog Slacker

Not many posts recently...husband still has control of the laptop (he's busy watching the game tonight so I was able to steal a few minutes of precious computer time) and I have not been feeling well at all.

Since before my birthday (beginning of October) I have had one thing after the next. Lucky stars - kids have managed to stay healthy! I am breaking down and going to the doctor tomorrow, which I NEVER do.

I have not been quilting much recently either...every night I've been flat out on the couch with a fever and headache. So today's post is some photos taken at fotofly about a month ago. I cannot praise and recommend them enough. I have had nothing but super fantastic experiences with them.

My favorite shot of the afternoon...

Here's a shot of the fam...

My "baby" boy looks SOOOO grown up in these. I about fell out of the chair when I saw them (and then promptly got all teary-eyed).

A cute one of me and my big guy.

Hopefully I will be feeling better soon. I'm pretty sure my quilt room is wondering what she did wrong to deserve such abandonment. My MANY quilt projects are like ghosts in my mind at this point....haunting me. I even dream of them. Hopefully I can rest up this weekend and get back in the swing of things soon!

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